Be assured, because people matter

A proactive approach to Workplace Wellbeing through effective Employee Assistance Programs and Organisational Development services. Assure is one of Australia’s leading mental health organisations and is the only national EAP provider that exclusively uses registered psychologists.

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Type Description Version Number Publish Date
Document: ABCC Determination of Compliance with Sect.11 Letter (ACT 2017) 05/12/17
Document: Anti-Discrimination & Equal Employment Opportunity Workplace Policy 3 01/07/19
Document: Anti-Slavery Policy 1 01/07/19
Document: Assure Programs - Financial wellbeing in times of uncertainty
Document: Assure Programs - Helping children after a major event
Document: Assure Programs - Helping frontline staff after a major event
Document: Assure Programs - Helping others after a major event
Document: Assure Programs - Helping your employees after a major event
Document: Assure Programs - Helping yourself after a major event
Document: Assure Programs - Reduce your risk, look after your health
Document: Assure Programs - Understanding common reactions to a major event
Document: Assure Programs - Understanding fatigue
Document: Assure Programs - Understanding grief and loss
Document: Assure Programs - Understanding health anxiety
Document: Assure Programs - Understanding the impact of uncertainty on children
Document: Assure Programs - Understanding the shock of significant events
Document: Assure Programs - Understanding the stress effects of major events
Document: Assure Programs - Who are Assure?
Document: Code of Conduct 3 01/07/19
Document: Company MasterCard Expense Form 2 11/08/20
Document: Consultation Record Form 1 01/10/17
Document: Diversity Policy 3 01/07/19
Document: EBA Probationary Assessment Form 0 04/05/21
Document: Elect Energy Pty Ltd Enterprise Agreement 2022 28/06/17
Document: ElectroGroup Leave Form
Document: Electronic Communication and Devices Policy 3 01/07/19
Document: Employee Complaint and Grievance Form 01/10/17
Document: Employee Counselling Report Form 01/10/17
Document: Employee Details Change Form 01/10/17
Document: Employee Details Form 01/10/17