Star Group is proud to announce that we have been awarded the TA-SPS-06 Switchboard Replacement & Electrical Installation for MidCoast Council, to be completed over the coming 12 months.
Taree SPS-06 is an 830kL wet/dry well pump station that pumps sewage to the Dawson Sewage Treatment Plant for treatment and discharge. It serves several catchments, including Tinonee, Glenthorne, Taree, Kolodong, and Cundletown, and we thank MidCoast Council for giving Star Group the opportunity to contribute to its upgrade.
The upgrade includes:
- the supply and installation of a new 11kV\415V 750kVA kiosk transformer and associated ASP works,
- the supply, installation, commission, and maintain a new fixed site 910kVA generator,
- manufacture, factory acceptance testing (FAT), the installation and commission of a new 760A main switchboard, motor control centre and ancillary panels,
- the relocation of existing variable speed drives (VSDs) and management of a series of complex planned shutdown periods to bring online the new generator and new supply and
- a 24-metre communications pole with telemetry and lightning protection equipment is also included under Star's Contract of works.
Once completed, this project will create a safer work environment for the site operators and allow for many years of future operation.
Star Group is looking forward to delivering this complex and asset-critical project with the MidCoast Council.