STAR Group provided the electrical, communications and security services for the project which involved services to a new underground car park for 191 cars, coach parking, National Service Memorial, a café with a seating capacity of approximately 100 people, café forecourts, amenities, kitchen and servery facilities, waste handling and loading dock facilities, an outdoor memorial and landscaped areas.
Star Group’s services provided on the project included:
- Incoming supply mains
- Sub-mains, mains switchboards and distribution switchboards
- Earthing and surge protection
- Metering
- Cabling access and support systems
- Structured cabling system
- lnground and above ground conduits
- Light & power sub-circuit wiring
- Telecommunications and data cabling
- Lighting, fixtures, controls and fittings
- General purpose outlets and ducted skirting
- Liaison and co-ordination with Authorities
- MATV system
- Security systems
- Audio System
- Power connection
- Project management
- Fire seal penetrations
- Testing and commissioning
- BMS interface; and
- Temporary Electrical services.